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Top 10 Commands in Linux – Basic & Informative

Every operating system has two types of interfaces graphical user interface and command line interface. Both have their own working and responsibilities to fulfill the user requirement.

In Linux, CLI is exists and very helpful for doing internal operations. These operations fulfill the user requirement.  In this blog, we will discuss about the basic command in linux operating system.

Implement the CLI commands in “Open Terminal” option.

1. Cat Command: In cat is concatenate, where user can add the text contents in particular file. To implement cat command you may apply like this:

To view file text content


# cat  <file name>

Press enter to proceed

If you want to add text in specific file. You can add “>” operator to add text.


Adding text content using cat command


# cat > <file name>

Press enter to proceed

Take a look screen shot, it will be more understandable:

cat command

Append the text content in hello file.


#cat >> <file name>

Press enter to proceed.

cat redirection

2. Mkdir Command: This command is basically create folder in the system. We can use mkdir keyword to add folder in it.

To apply mkdir command, first check the syntax:


# mkdir <directory name>

Press Enter to Proceed


3. long list command: The ll command is used to view the content of present directory files  and folder information.

To view the files and folders using  ll command:


# ll

Press enter to proceed

It will show all the files and folder information like this: 

ll command

4. Pwd (Present working directory) Command : The pwd command is show the present working directory in linux. You can see your current directory information easily.

pwd command

 5. Cd command: The cd command is used enter the specific directory location. Even using cd command you can switch into home directory as well.

cd command

6. Rm command: The remove command is used to file or folder in linux operating system. To implement is command line interface you may syntax first:


#rm <file name>

Press enter to proceed.

rm command

 7. Date Command: The date command is to display the current system date and time information. Please take a look how we can see it:

date command

8. Touch command: This command is basically used for create blank file in the system for testing or checking. With the help of touch command you can easily add file in current folder. To implement this command you can check below: 

touch command

You can see the file using ll command. Here you can see “hello” file is created successfully.

9. Cal Command: Cal command is used to see current month calendar in the system. You can easily implement cal command in command line interface:

cal command


10. Whatis command: Whatis command is used to know about specific command information. If you don’t know about any specific command, you can easily check by using whatis command.


# whatis <command name>

Press enter to proceed.

whatis command

In nutshell, we discussed the basic command exist in linux operating system. Understanding the basic commands is very challenging and consumes lots of time and efforts. So in this blog, we discuss about the basic command you should know about it. These commands are used in daily basis and very informative, if you start career in linux field. We will discuss more command line interfaces commands but for now it is best described blog  to understand the basic commands in linux OS. 


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