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Log Management in Linux Operating System – Mandatory Concept

 In Linux, a variety of log files are maintained the operating system.  These logs are managed either by system level or troubleshooting level but logs are exists in /var/log directory. During system boot or running OS collect and store all the information or activities mapped and save its path.


Lets learn the basics about log management available in linux operating system.

What are logs?

A log contains the information collect from operating system activities such kernel related or system related tasks.

Can we check all the logs?

Yes, you can check and managed the log details. Better to know all tasks information that helpful to do some specific operations.

Apart from this, there many types of logs information exist in operating systems. In Linux, it managed into different categories like kernel related, system related or user related log information. 

Types of Logs in Linux OS

  • ·          Kernel
  • ·         Non Kernel
  • ·         Security
  • ·         Mail


1.       /var/log/dmesg ---------------à Non kernel related logs when OS boot.

It maintains the non kernel related logs such as system or user information etc.

2.       /var/log/kern.log -------------à Kernel related logs information.

Kern log is standard system log file that maintain message from all kernel related information.  Kernel issues booting information or kernel information related information store in this log file.

3.       /var/log/secure-----------------à Security related logs.

Secure log contains message and error security related system like login or user information.

4.       /var/log/mail---------------------à Mail related log details.

Mail log contains message and error your mail server. Connecting specific port information and ip address internal and external gateway information exists in this log file.

5.       /var/log/syslog.conf -----------------à Maintain all logs information.

In syslog.conf file contains the all logs information path exists and you can add log store directory as well. In this file you can see the all logs information path.

How we can view logs information in linux OS?

Open the terminal option and you can view via vi or vim editor.

Let’s see how we can view it:

#vi /var/log/dmesg



Accordingly, we can apply above mentioned path in terminal to view required log information.

In nutshell, it is necessary to know all these logs information available in linux operating system. We must know and able to maintain these information. According to these logs, we can monitor can detect some useful operations in the system. In this blog, we learned the basic idea of logs available in OS.  We can also see that there are numerous logs category are available and we can monitor it. Additionally, the main syslog.conf file maintains all logs information exists in operating system. So, it is all about the log information available in linux operating system. For more information, you can send us questions. 

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