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Linux PS Command For System Administrator - You Must Know It!

The ps command is a useful tool that we can use to display important process information. A process is just a running instance of an application. When we call a program, a process is created. If you want complete control of your machine, a complete knowledge of the process tree is essential. This is where horsepower comes in. This is one of the most useful terminal commands in Linux, but it provides a lot of important information. System Admins can use it to find faulty software or precisely determine the use of resources. This guide provides the reader with a hands-on introduction to the ps command on Linux.

Linux PS Process Commands

The ps command is an easy way to list all running processes. However, the ps command only prints a snapshot of the process selection. To get instant updates of your selections, you'll need to use the Linux command above or one of its successors. Take a look at the examples below to see what you can do with the Linux ps command.

ps command

1. Print Processes

By default, ps shows only a few data bits. Running the ps command with no arguments prints the processes associated with the current Linux shell. Finds processes whose effective user ID (euid = EUID) corresponds to the current user ID and is assigned to the current terminal session.

$ ps
The output list contains process identifiers (PIDs) of processes, process-related terminal names, accumulated CPU time and executable file names.

2. Print active processes 

The above command just prints the list of current processes. Instead, use one of the following commands to view all running processes.
$ ps -A
$ ps -e
In fact, both are the same. The output must contain a large number of operations. These are sub-processes that are called by higher main processes.

3. BSD printing

The Linux ps command can also display process states in BSD format. This is suitable for managers who use Linux and BSD systems as part of their work. The following examples show the operations that use this template.

$ ps aux
$ ps ax
Note that users should not group BSD options with a hyphen. The meaning of the following command is different from the command above.
$ ps -aux
4. Print in full size
You can expand the output format of ps commands and get more detailed information. However, you must use the -f or -F option to do this. The following command lists all current processes in this full format.
$ ps -ef
Here we group the -e option with -f. Provides additional information such as Parent Process Identification Number (PPID) and CPU usage indicators. The -F option adds more data to this format.
$ ps -eF

5. Print all changes for the current user

With the flag ps -x we can list all processes of the current user. This is an easy way to identify processes related to the current user. $ ps -x
This command generates a list of all running processes for the current user. Displays useful statistics like status and time along with PID and job name. TTY value for "?" Indicates that there are currently no final sessions on this particular process.

Final Conclusion

The Linux ps command is a simple but versatile tool for administrators. This makes it easy for users to find process information and perform tasks such as monitoring, troubleshooting, and auditing. If you want to make a high paying computer science career with Linux, you need to have PS knowledge. That is why our editors have put together this guide with many practical examples. If you are a beginner, please bookmark this guide for future reference. We hope this gives you the basic information that you are looking for. If you have any other questions or tips, please leave a comment below.

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