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Linux File System - A Complete Guide To Know About It!

 File System - In Linux system is divided into formatted file system. A file system is data structure written to store and access the files. 

Why File System Required? 

Linux operating system required partition to store the files and subdirectories. Partition is required to manage all types of information. The ISO 9660 file system is used to format the cd/dvd file system. 

Blocks are exists in the file system where they need to decided their own working style. 

1. Boot Block: First 15 sectors should be empty for the boot block where keep all information related to booting files. File system kept all these information in hard disk. 

2. Super Block: Super block is master block of the file system which contains the meta data (all information of files) such as file name, file type or file size etc. 

3. Inode Block: Inode block contains in table information. Ext 2 and Ext 3 or every node has identified with its own identification number. Every block must be contains the size around 4 kb. Inode block contains the file type, file size and inode numbers. 

4. Data Block: Data block is that place where users create and store their own data or information. 

Final outcomes regarding in this blog is linux operating system file system is secure and unique. Linux operating system file systems are ext 2, ext 3 and ext 4 where main duty is to manage the data or files in the operating system. 

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